
Charis is obsessed with the human body and biomechanics. She loves to help people learn about their bodies so they can move to feel, look, and perform their best. She is passionate about making pain-free movement, especially movement under load, accessible to everyone.
Most notably, she is certified in Russian Kettlebell (RKC Level 2) and comprehensive Pilates (BASI), both of which are pivotal parts of her unique coaching system. Having worked in rehab settings, she understands the importance of encouraging people to advocate for their own bodies when injured or going through any life transitions.
As such, she is a certified Barbell Rehab coach and Functional Movement Systems (Level 2) coach, both of which connect her to qualified clinicians for referrals and collaboration. Of perhaps equal importance, she completed her training in nutrition from Precision Nutrition, which is considered the gold standard in the fitness industry. She is also certified through Kabuki Strength, TRX Suspension Trainer, and USA Powerlifting as a Club Coach.

Sebastian is a strength coach from Colombia. He’s been coaching since 2016 after starting an internship during his junior year of college. In 2017, he earned his degree in Kinesiology. As a lifelong athlete, he has had plenty of experience in learning how the body moves and functions and the ways to best optimize that. He’s a huge advocate for keeping things simple and fun, because simple is effective. In 2018, he received his StrongFirst Level 1 Kettlebell Certification and has been practicing and utilizing the tools he learned since. Outside of the gym, he spends his time playing music and being outside.

Coach Stella Bella Ding Dong (or just Stella for short) is Lux’s most popular coach for obvious reasons relating to her cuteness. She is SUCH a good girl and will always stay out of the way unless she senses that her special services are needed. Stella is an expert tail-wagger and face-licker, which she thinks is most necessary when you’re foam rolling. She also LOVES snacks, napping in weird positions, snuggling, kitties, rough-housing, trail running, and long walks on sunny days. She is not a fan of dressing up, but she will consider tips in the form of cheese to do so on special occasions.